World Poetry Celebrates Troy Legette from the USA!

Ariadne’s Notes: I have been away on Vancouver Island, BC Canada and have also been so busy with our upcoming display, that I have not had time to post new poets and creators! Now have 110 waiting to go on this site. I would like to thank Troy for waiting patiently so long.

Success Picture





Troy Legette is one crafty poet, song writer, and author. His personal tribute is enveloped as an anthology geared towards influencing and inspiring others. Walking down the halls that lead to this door allows many to enter a personal realm only few know and many admire. He is an accountant, originally born in New Jersey and later relocated to Florida, all which fueled the beginning of his career to publish his first set of individual poems. His passions encouraged the introduction of creating a monumental legacy through written expressions to fascinate the minds of many.”


It’s that moment when the initial focus
erases the conscious thought of reason.

Any unbalance triggers the reaction,

to an action before carefully thinking


I wonder if it is the challenge of juggling

a busy schedule of numerous activities.


Or if it was a purposeful intent to distract

the path towards an achieving remedy.


Success is a matter of choice to settle is lazy

the Go-Getter rest-less.


Failure may be an adopted perception accepted only

when the applied action is not the best.


For some, one focus maybe limiting, for opportunities

are many and the parent to a Jack-of-all- Trades.


Only focus on your performance and let the eyes

of others criticize.


There comes a time when your place in the world

becomes an individual thing.


Respect the deliverance from social addictions,

mind conversations with self and nourish sanity.


Preferably, simple is more complex,

in the mind of intellectuals and scholars.

Perfect and grow, limitations will fall aside,

only to awaken your Giant.

Angels live in space blind within the eyes,

some blessings are forever gone with the wind.

 Troy Legette  (C)

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