World Poetry Celebrates Matilda Miraka !

  • Photo by Matilda Miraka from her village in Albania.

Ariadne’s Notes: on October 3, CFRO 100.5 FM  World Poetry Cafe radio show in Vancouver, BC, Canada celebrated the first peace poet Matilda Miraka with her poem on peace, from Elbasan, Albania.  This is our 21st year on the show with 129 countries listening in at times.

***Due to the radio show not being archived, I am unable to provide the link but will read her poem again next week.


  • Photo by Matilda Miraka from her village in Albania.

Matilda Miraka, 23 years old.Education: High / Degree: Bachelor (Bachelor)Literature and Albania language Masters degree: For literature and Albania language teacher.
Mother tongue: Albanian Other: English, Spanish.

Entertaining activities: ” I’ve been part of a lot of national and international competitions for poem an essay. I won most of them. In Trieste, Italy (“Castello Di Duino XIII edition” I was one of the winners) for 3 times. (Equipped with a certificate and coup) Participating in the “World Youth Forum right to dialogue X edition” (equipped with certificate.”


I find peace inside my spirit!

inside reason, inside positivity

I? I love myself and life

I don’t want to die even when my soul is in pain

even when my body is sick

even when my family is suffering

You know why?

Because I have to be strong for myself and for them

Because I believe in God, my creator I’m just a creature

Created just to be tested in this life

We cannot be happy all our lives.

But you know what?

We can, we can be quiet

But how to do this?

I find peace in my god and yours. My family, my loved ones

They want me to be good and I will be.

Dear human beings, lookup, is there a big sky or not? Do you feel small too?

Look down at you, down at your feet? Do you see the earth or not? You’re so small, so small that you don’t have to worry.

You are a temporary human being on earth so enjoy it all sun, rain, wind, hail river stones, storms, seasons, flowering, snow, leaf fall winter, animals, cats, dogs, birds.

Enjoy it please take a deep breath and enjoy it, embrace the soul with peace

but most of all dear human beings be good, do good things to be remembered for good

One day you will die.

Remember you are a temporary human being so you find peace, find peace and be good.

You will really be happy.

Matilda Miraka (C) All rights reserved by the author.


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2 Responses to World Poetry Celebrates Matilda Miraka !

  1. Vani Pradeep says:

    Very well written poem. Aptly expressing about life and the being we are in this big, wide world! Realization is an essential element in all our lives where we are born to enjoy the small things of life. Never miss these little joys of life.

    Write us more cute poems like these! The world is waiting to take in beautiful pieces like these.

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