Ariadne’s Notes: We are so honoured to feature the talented and amazing poet , World Poetry Lifetime Achievement Award Winner and poet for peace. He has been featured at the past three World Poetry Peace and Human Rights Exhibitions at the University Of British Columbia and is an active and cherished participant on the World Poetry Canada International Facebook Group.
Photo By Janet Kvammen.
Richard Doiron writes: ” On July 16, I will be a featured reader at the First Annual Sojourner Literary Festival in Richibucto, New Brunswick. The event will now be part of the Richibucto Scallop Festival, at present in its 46th season. Donna Allard, the former President of the Canadian Poetry Association, a well-known presence in literature is behind the inception of the event. Donna has some very credible people working with her on this new venture, which will feature numerous authors of note. This is being held at the O’Leary Inn, on Main Street. I have read there before. In March 2002, I spent 12 hours there, spear-heading a literary event put together by the Acadian Society of New Brunswick. My roots are, after all, Acadian. I look forward to returning to the Inn, which is rich in Victorian quality and traditions. Richibucto is a Mi’kmaq name, the Mi’kmaq being our predominant Native Nation in NB. Nearby is Elsipogtog, our largest reserve. Also nearby is the world famous Kouchibouguac National Park. Fishing has always been one of the biggest economic boosters of the area, which is also steeped in art and culture. We even produced a former Prime Minister of Britain, born in Rexton, Kent County, a stone’s throw away from Richibucto.
Andrew Bonar Law (16 September 1858 – 30 October 1923), commonly called Bonar Law was a British Conservative Party statesman and Prime Minister.
Richard Doiron: Published 52 years. Work read at UN. Published alongside
the Dalai Lama twice by invitation. 2012 World Poetry Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Estimated 1000 poems published to date. Participant in national and international literary festivals, including the Northrop Frye Festival. Graduate in journalism, Certified Lifeskills Coach, and Reiki Master.
Interview with Richard:
WP: What does poetry mean to you? It seems to be such a big part of your life.
Richard Doiron: Poetry is life itself. It is the beginning and the end and everything in-between. It is joy, sorrow, peace, discord, life and death. It is the sunrise, sunset, the rainbows and the rain. It is beauty, unsightliness, shadow, light, good, and evil. It is a noun, a verb, an adjective. It is a smile, a frown, fullness, emptiness, desire, indifference, the known and that which cannot be defined. Poetry is everything. It is beyond words. It is the formulation of books yet needs no books to define itself. Some of the foremost poets I have known have been illiterate. Their poetry resounded in their every word. Poetry is a way of being, of seeing, of doing. Native Elders always come to mind for me. To listen to their great words, else to their great silence, is to be moved. In the end, though, poetry is as vague as it is vibrant.
WP: What other aspects of your life are important to you?
Everything is interconnected. It is in disconnecting from the natural world that problems arise. We are part of the natural world, no more, no less. Some have given themselves license, by way of domain, culture, religion, wealth, to have dominion over all of creation, which is nothing short of madness. Equality, justice, balance, ultimately, peace in the world, these things are not negotiable to me. But peace begins with the self. And Love is key. Love does not come conditionally. Those who make conditions to love are not lovers of people but of conditions.
In the presence of love, there is calm; in the absence of love, there is strife. Peace implies justice; justice implies equity; equity implies vision; vision forever implies love. In the end, it always comes back to love, which is the deciding factor. My quatrain on love says it well, I think:
Love transcends all things as known
Let all the world reprove it
Not one atom yet has shown
A single thing disproves it
Passionate of heart. Eloquent with words. Thank you for sharing your gift of love, light and compassion.
Powerful words, as always, Richard!
Your spirit speaks as an ambassador of peace who attempts to lift the veils of illusion. Your pristine canvass allows us to begin again with a heart moving in the right direction, the direction of Peace. Thank you for touching hearts around the world with love and peace.
Well said Richard! Spot on!
Love is the way to Peace on Earth and in our Hearts. Thank uou Richard for your beautiful thoughts and words.
I felt your pain, your frustration and your passion for the world in your words. Thank you for your honesty. Keeping doing what you are doing…it works. Blessings!!!!