World Poetry Celebrates Rabia Ahrar!



Ariadne’s Notes: We are glad to welcome the lovely sister of Alaha Ahrar in her first feature here! It would be great to hear more from her in the future. Listen to the World Poetry Café Radio show  below to hear her poem!

She writes:

“Dear Ariadne Sawyer,

I hope you are doing well. my name is Rabia Ahrar. I am Alaha Ahrar’s sister. In addition, I grew up hearing about international World poetry, Canada. I want to start working with you to share my written poem and articles with you. I attached my poem for you to publish it, please open the attachment!

Best Regards,

Rabia Ahrar”









I Want To Drink

I am thirsty to find out the spirituality of God,
A goblet is not enough for me, I need to drink a bottle of wine of God.
I don’t need to drink just one, two or three of bottles of awareness of God,
So, I need to drink casks of monotheism to know my God,
I am like a piece of dust full of sins and ignorant of why I came,
I need to know myself starting from my creation, in the beginning, nothing, I was just a dirty piece of clay in the land of unknown.
I am the son of Adam, but I am thirsty to know my land.
From which land I came, in the beginning, and to which land I will be back.
I need to drink the wine of understanding myself.
Why I came and why I should go back to that land I came from
I should know this land is an exam, on that land is my own land.
I am thirsty to drink more than goblets of knowledge of Spirituality of God.
Until my spiritual thirst becomes full of Unique Worship in the way of God.

(Rabia Ahrar) (C) All rights reserved by the author.


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5 Responses to World Poetry Celebrates Rabia Ahrar!

  1. Titi says:

    Beautiful poem Rabia, my favorite lines are the last too
    Very well written description of wanting to know god

  2. Mary Rose Amidjaya says:

    A real achievement to have your poetry published. So very spiritual.

  3. Hafizullah says:

    Lovely poem! You are a pride for humanity!

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