I Love The World! Dream Poem in English and Chinese!







Ariadne’s Notes: A wonderful celebration for the Mid Autumn Festival in September by the Chinese Canadian Authors Association. I was honoured to be one of the readers once again at this great event. Poems are translated into Chinese and read in both languages. Shirley Sue-A-Quan was a great translator.
This poem is from my upcoming book , Love Poems to the World, Dream Offerings being published by HMS Press. All the poems in the book are dream poems with the goal of helping heal the world. Some are lucid dreams and some are regular dream poems. I am awakened around 2 PM and write the poems down in the dark. Then in the morning I read them and put them on the computer. I feel that I am the channel for the poems to come through.
Thanks to Shirley Sue -A- Quan, I am able to share this with you In both English and Mandarin .

I Love the World!

World, I adore you with every part of my being!
My cells, molecules, even the atoms that fill up my empty spaces
join together to love you.


I love the soaring mountains wearing their white capes of snow.
The dry, painted deserts, the steaming jungles teaming with life,
the lush valleys, majestic lakes, the boundless ocean
with its changes and moods, its calm and storms.


The beauty of human kind, perched on this blue world,
The smile of a new baby, the chuckle of an elder,
the energy and spirit of youth.


My love goes out to you on humming thought waves,
vibrating with emotion.


I delight in your exquisite being, geometrical shapes and your diversity.
The animal kingdom, the plant world beings that feed us and heal us.


My love for you dances with the clouds
It becomes part of the velvet night, falls in raindrops caressing you.


I send my love to your hidden secret spots, the noisy cities of humankind, the vast silences of land broken by the call of an eagle.


May my caring help heal you broken places, your wounded spots, bathed in darkness, disharmony and pollution.


May all of humanity join with me in loving this beautiful world!

曹小莉翻译    二零一八年八月底

by Ariadne Sawyer, MA from her upcoming book, Love Poems to the World , Dream Offerings from HMS Press  (c)

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3 Responses to I Love The World! Dream Poem in English and Chinese!

  1. Mamta Agarwal says:

    Dear Ariadne, my heart expansion reading this poem, the agony, ecstasy, generosity, the feeling of gratitude and hope comes through in the imagery. Thank you for sharing. Does the book has pictures or paintings? Mamta Agarwal

    • Heidi Mueller says:

      Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon. Love sent on a summer wave.

    • Heidi Mueller says:

      Dearest Mamta,only the cover. Thank you for your love and support during challenging times. Kept me going. Hope to hear from you soon and do a feature for you.

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