Ariadne’s Notes: Calling in on February 14, 1:30 pm PST the World Poetry Café, 100.5 FM CFRO was honoured to celebrate Black History Month with Drummer, composer and educator Dr. Mark Lomax, II on his monumental new 12-album project focusing on the 400th anniversary of the transatlantic slave trade. Titled 400: An Afrikan Epic, the project is a landmark exploration of the ancient history, 400-year struggle and inspired future of Black America, depicted in a stunning variety of musical settings. The recording was released on January 23, 2019, Lomax’s 40th birthday, and brings his discography to 40 albums as a leader. The albums feature seven different groups ranging from solo drums to a cello quartet. In embracing the story of the African diaspora, Dr. Lomax has not only created a landmark composition but a living, breathing work of musical storytelling that will continue to grow and evolve. He has adapted the full work into a more compact suite for performance, and has created a curriculum to present the story in classrooms through performance and lectures. He also plans to launch a website called “The 400 Years Project,” which will promote artists throughout the African diaspora who are using their creative abilities to tell this story.
In the interview, Dr. Mark Lomax made the following points which I believe will help to heal and balance the world: This far reaching project using the music of storytelling and has the goal of promoting ecology and coming together in a world that is out of balance.
*Prejudice is a learned behavior passed down through generations
*People are in pain, both those who are prejudiced and those to whom it is directed.
*We need to agree to heal as a human family.
*Healing can become a way of being in the world
*Be polite but do not avoid issues. Sometimes directed anger is a good and positive action.
Source: Host Ariadne Sawyer’s notes from the interview.