World Poetry Celebrates Pasquale Verdicchio!

Ariadne’s Notes: The World Poetry Cafe radio show, 100.5 FM on October 24 from 1-2 pm PST had a fascinating show with star co-host Diego Bastinutti and the amazing Victor Schwartzman tech engineer. Calling in at 1:10 pm PST from Italy  was Pasquale Verdicchio  who is teaching for University of California , San Diego program on poetry and walking. A good portion of the show was in Italian, a special treat for our Italian listeners. It was great to understand part of it since it has some similarities to Spanish. Part of it was how it is to have roots in various countries. Also he read his lovely poetry and talked about the art of translating which is a talent that he shares with Diego Bastinutti and Tommy Tao as they try to be part of the character of  poet who wrote the poem translated. 

Second caller was the incomparable Nancy Braithwaite, clarinets  and world renowned musician who was calling in from the Netherlands about a new CD Onions in Paradise composed by Edith Hemingway who is in her nineties  and will be featured next.

Peaceathon Poems by Krishnasankar Acharjee, India, Richard Doiron, Canada  and the next installment of the long Peace activist poem Davy Fidel, Nigeria. Hosts: Ariadne Sawyer and Diego Bastianutti, Tech Victor Schwartzman, special volunteer Sharon Rowe with her new More Big Bessie Stories.

To listen to this special show , CLICK HERE!

 One of his many books: Devils In Paradise: Pasquale Verdicchio: 9781550710274 …http://Devils In Paradise: Pasquale Verdicchio: 9781550710274 … › Devils-Paradise-Pasquale-Verdicchio › Devils-Paradise-Pasquale-Verdicchio

Author and translator Pasquale Verdicchio emigrated from Italy to Vancouver, with his family, as a young teen. He has published in English the works of poets Giorgio Caproni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Sergio Atzeni, Alda Merini, Andrea Zanzotto, and most recently Vivian Lamarque’s The Golden Man (Ekstasis Editions, 2016). His own poetry collections include The House is Past (Guernica, 2000) and This Nothing’s Place (Guernica, 2008). He teaches at the University of California, San Diego, and returns to British Columbia frequently.


My children


sounds of blossoms

in my ear; blue skies.

clear seas,

baby’s breath,

the memories.

My children whisper

sounds of blossoms

By Pasquale Verdicchio  (C) All rights reserved.

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