World Poetry Proudly Presents Alejandro Mujica-Olea!


Foto Las Manos, Oparin Ortiz









A: El coro de la Iglesia Anglicana Santo Tomas
El coro con su concierto de alegría
dulce y armoniosas voces,
canarias y canarios de la tierra
voces de trompetas celestiale
cantan a nuestro Dios cada semana.

Voces acompañadas de una pianista
con sus manos de mariposa revolotean
sobre el teclado del piano que
dan la melodía del júbilo, esperanza
y alabanza que van al cielo, a nuestro Dios.

Un órgano y su conjunto que clama con sus sonidos
de agasajos al Espíritu Santo, a Jesús,
a nuestro Dios, a su parroquia y a su sacerdote.
Una iglesia sin coro es tan helada
como un invierno canadiense.

Alejandro Mujica Olea ©


A: To the choir of St. Thomas Anglican Church.

The concert choir with joy
sweet and harmonious voices,
canaries on the land
voices of celestial trumpets
sing to our God each week.

Voices accompanied by a pianist
with her hands like fluttering butterfly
over the piano keyboard
give the melody of joy, hope
and praise that go to heaven, to our God.

An organ and its ensamble cry out with sounds
of gifts of the Holy Spirit, Jesus,
to our God, to his parish and to our priest.
A church without a choir is as cold
as a Canadian winter.

Alejandro Mujica-Olea (C)
Translated by: Marjorie Henry

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One Response to World Poetry Proudly Presents Alejandro Mujica-Olea!

  1. This is an absolutely beautiful write, Alejandro …. completely enjoyed ♥

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