Become a World Poetry Member!

Become a Member of The World Poetry Reading Series Societry! We welcome new members to our World Poetry Family.

The World Poetry Membership is for participating poets, writers, musicians, artists, film, volunteers and dancers.

World Poetry Membership: $30.00 per year for 2013.

To ensure that we have the correct information, you need to complete the short member application form. You can either do this online or by regular mail as you prefer.

1) Regular Mail Method
Download the print application form here  Please complete and return it together with your membership fee by cheque or if you are from another country, send an International Money Order to made out to:

World Poetry Reading Series Society, C/O Ariadne Sawyer, (attention treasurer)
702-31 Elliot St. New Westminster, BC, V3L 5C9,

2) Online Method
Complete the online application form and then pay using the PayPal after that.

    Your Name


    Phone Number (with country and area codes)

    Email address

    Getting to know you

    In order for us to serve you better, we would like to know more about you. Please check off your areas of expertise and interests.


    If other:

    Please add specific information such as books (titles & ISBN numbers), film information, and writing credits:


    Please enter this text here

    Paying for your Membership using PayPal
    Annual Membership

    Membership benefits include:

    • Reading at World Poetry events and at our partners’ specials events
    • Your poetry will be featured in the World Poetry Electronic Newsletter and three times in the year. You will need to let us know when you want to be on the site.
    • You can vote at our anunal AGM in person or by proxy if you live in another country.
    • Participation in social events
    • Interview on the World Poetry Cafe radio show
    • Your news or book launch announced on the radio show in the “Poetic News” segment
    • Volunteer opportunities
    • You can be nominated for World Poetry Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, World Poetry Ambassador,  World Poetry Youth Team and other yearly awards.
    • Often, we join other partners in participating and performing at special events and will try to include you when possible both nationally and internationally.

    You will receive a World Poetry Membership card and receipt.