Contact Us

We appreciate hearing from our fellow poets.

World Poetry Cafe Radio Show: CFRO 100.5 FM , Vancouver, BC, Canada, every Tuesday Night at 9:00pm PST.

If you want to be a featured poet in person or by phone on our radio show, The World Poetry Cafe, please send a poem, a short bio and a photo to

World Poetry Readings: If you want to read in Vancouver, BC Canada, please contact 



World Poetry Website: If you want to be a featured poet on the site, please send a short bio, a poem and a photo. You will be notified when you are on the site. Contacts:

Ariadne Sawyer: (604) 526-4729

By Form:
Because of the different time zones, you may find it more convenient to contact us using the short form below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Subject (required)

    Your Message or Question