Richard Doiron, WP Lifetime Achievment Award Winner, Moncton Event!

Richard Doiron with Eldon, Paul, Kathryn

Wednesday, March 7, 2012, was a special night in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

The World Poetry Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 2012, Richard Doiron, native son to Moncton, was being honoured in a pre-event presentation of the World Poetry Award ceremony coming up May 25, 26, in Richmond, B.C., in conjunction with the World Poetry Canada International Peace Festival.

The Moncton Public Library was made available for the event. About twenty chairs had been set up for the event. Upon seeing so few chairs, Richard Doiron said that was not likely enough chairs. So fifty or so were set up. By 7 P.M., when the event got underway,additional chairs had been added.Richard’s brother, former Canadian boxing champion and Canada’s only weekly boxing columnist, Paul Doiron assumed the duties of MC. After giving a  synopsis of World Poetry, the Deputy-Mayor of Moncton, Kathryn Barnes was invited to speak, presenting Richard with a gift from the City of Moncton. Mrs. Barnes was eloquent and spoke with conviction.

Following the Deputy-Mayor, Dr. Eldon Hay, a well-known human rights activist, spoke.Thirty-seven years the head of religious studies at Mount Allison University, Dr. Hay, a long-time friend of Richard Doiron’s, is a man who holds, among many distinctions, the Order of Canada. He touched on Richard’s life-long pursuits toward a just society, with special emphasis placed on First Nations, Richard, more than a decade ago, having been made an Honourary Member of the Mi’kmaq Nation for defending their natural and inherent rights within Canada.

Thereafter, award-winning poet and photo-journalist, Margaret Patricia Eaton presented Richard with the World Poetry certificate, letter of Invitation and lapel pin. Richard then stood at the podium and had a most receptive audience, which responded with severalstanding ovations. Richard not only read numerous peace poems, in both of Canada’s official languages, English and French, but also spoke to considerable extent about his life.

When Richard was finished speaking, cameras started flashing, and one would not doubt that 1000 pictures were taken. Everyone was positive and complimentary of how things had transpired. Missing from the scene were the province’s literary establishment and  the media, as no one was there in a journalistic capacity. Numerous persons mentioned the absence of such parties.

As for the Library, it was noted that no one usually brings such a large gathering when it relates to poetry, but then no one is used to seeing 300 or more individuals attend a poetry launch, either, which has been the case more than once in Moncton, when Richard Doiron has had book launches.

This was a momentous event and history-in-the-making for the City of Moncton. Those who were present were visibly and collectively moved by the experience, while those who were absent missed out on something that would have surely been enriching,enlightening and memorable in their lives.

By Richard Doiron (c)

Richard Doiron

Ariadne’s note: World Poetry began over 12 years ago to give respect and recognition to those who had suffered injustice and those whose voices otherwise might not be heard. We provide a voice for all within our foundations of respect, honour, support, love and peace. We are a World Poetry Family, caring for each other and bringing poets, writers, musicians and dancers  together to create a peaceful world. Richard is our 19th World Poetry Lifetime Achievment Award Winner. We are honoured to have him join us.

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2 Responses to Richard Doiron, WP Lifetime Achievment Award Winner, Moncton Event!

  1. our full support
    for our dear friend richard,
    for all our co-poets around the globe,
    most especially, for the unrelentless
    dedication of our dear friend Ariadne,
    for her noble ideas
    and outstanding works


  2. Ariadne says:

    Thank you so much. You are a world treasure!

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